Join an exciting seminar on Chinese Image Medicine led by Ekaterina Krylova. Ekaterina Krylova is a 2nd level Image Medicine therapist and a medical doctor of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) in the field of acupuncture and massage.
Chinese Image Medicine (CIM) is an innovative direction in the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is a modern approach that has proven to be effective in healing and treatment.
The practice of entering the silence of the mind into a state of emptiness, practices at deep levels
In-depth image management, practice in image development, image analysis, and handling
Work with consciousness and develop the ability to detect the wrong image with a view to changing it
In-depth study of the technique of regenerating internal organs by obtaining the image of a healthy organ
In-depth technology for reconnecting internal organs
Research and practical application of mantras
Treatment of complications after the species
Spine handling
Working with myomas
This seminar is designed for practitioners of image therapy and former students of image medicine who do not apply this technique professionally. The seminar aims to repeat and secure previously studied material and to have an in-depth study of diagnostic and treatment techniques using Chinese Image Medicine methods.
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Get ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth with KATE IMAGE!