Chinese Image Medicine (CIM), is a modern, innovative direction in the development of traditional Chinese medicine (ТCМ), but its roots grows to the most ancient, first medical school in history of TCM - "Bien Chue’s School", which was founded by great Chinese doctor Bien Chue (407-310 B.C.)

Professor Xu Mingtang is the creator of the modern direction of CIM, the founder and director of Medical Research Kundawell Institute in Beijing and Seattle.

The experience of more than 26 years of researches and application of Chinese Image Medicine allows, in the number of the most effectively solved problems with the health, to name such as: chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic prostatitis, chronic inflammation of kidneys, herniated discs, impotence, uterine myoma, ovarian cysts, male and female infertility, different types of chronical diseases of stomach and intestine, Crohn’s disease, diseases of eyes, hypertension, consequences of the heart attacks, etc.

In Kundawell Institute the researches of difficult and incurable diseases are held, such as: virus diseases, muscular dystrophy, different nervous diseases, diabetes, cancer diseases.

In Chinese Image Medicine the methods of researches and treatment of illnesses do not cause side effects, allow to provide early diagnostics, can be combine with other methods of treatment. CIM quickly conquers popularity in many countries of the world, especially in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Moldova, Kazakhstan and other countries - former republics of the Soviet Union.

For now, Kundawell is the only Institute in the world, which provides training of professional image-therapists, which today already work in more than 50 countries of the world. Developing their abilities, they help patients to activate their own capacities for self-regulation.

Such natural way gives the new understanding of the world in which we live and of our possibilities.