Image Medicine is based on ancient knowledge about humans and the Universe. A specialist who masters this technique can see and change images.
In Image Medicine, there are five levels of image therapists. The fifth level is the basic level, and the highest level is considered to be the First level. I am a certified Second-level image therapist. I also use other effective techniques of Chinese medicine: acupuncture, moxibustion with mugwort cigars, and cupping massage.
Image pulse diagnosis helps to determine the cause of the disease accurately. Of course, to master this method, one must develop an inner vision. To do this, one must perform special exercises that promote the activation of the pineal gland. With the help of image medicine techniques, diagnosing and eliminating disorders at the physical, energetic, and spiritual (informative) levels is possible. The specialist works with energy channels and centers, as well as the informational component. Another crucial area is image diagnostics of internal organs. With the help of inner vision, one can determine energy deficiencies, blockages, and so-called lazy cells.
Image therapy not only brings results but also perfectly complements other methods of Chinese medicine: acupuncture, moxibustion with mugwort cigars, and massage.
This approach brings results, even in diseases that are difficult to treat with traditional medicine. With the help of this technique, it is possible to cure chronic diseases of internal organs, as well as women's and men's problems, and strengthen the immune system. Our body is capable of self-healing and recovery. Image therapy techniques help to awaken hidden capabilities and restore not only good health but also harmony on the spiritual and emotional levels.